Sunday, August 10, 2008

下午2点,RTB的Dewan Raya举办星秀汶莱大决赛。经过4个月,前8强终于在今天一决雌雄。节目还算不错,至少不会感到烦或闷。有独唱(60%)、情歌对唱(20%)、节奏考验(20%)等三个项目。我觉得情歌对唱这单元比较有兴趣 =p 4对歌手都好有默契哟!Keep it up!!! You are da best!!!输了也不用气馁,应为能晋级前8强就已经非常了不起的了。

China remains on the top of the medal table after day 2:
1. China 6G 2S 0B
2. South Korea 3G 2S 0B
3. USA 2G 2S 4B
Both China and the USA top the medal count, at 8.

The Olympics medals for Beijing 2008:

This year's design includes jade at the back of the medal...

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